Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Marlee's first time voting!

Just a reminder to get out there and vote! Vote vote vote...
As much as I love politics, I am so ready for this election to be over. It has been a long time coming and today I will be on the edge of my seat...waiting to see which direction this country will be going. Will we be taking one step up or two steps back, as Springstein would say.


Anonymous said...

As you said no matter who wins history will be made this day!!


Anonymous said...

I have been stressing to the girls how important it is to vote and what a privilage (sp?) it is being able to vote. No matter who you vote for. And how it is our duties as American to exercise our right.

Every vote counts!

Kristy said...

She is so dang cute with her little go vote sticker! Little Ham! Hooray for the election being over, no more late night calls & mail boxes FULL of crap!!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute and very serious in this shot!