Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We have a gritter

When I was a child, I used to grit my teeth. Dave gritted his teeth into adulthood. Over the weekend as I was holding M close, I thought I heard her grit her teeth. No way, not possible as she only has 2 bottom teeth. Well, on Monday as I was putting her down for her nap, I heard it again. I looked in her mouth and checked out her gums as I do everyday..nothing. I decided to put my fingers in her mouth, which I never do, and sure enough she cut one of her eye teeth. My first reaction was pleasure. Marlee has been quite difficult for the past couple of weeks and yes, I thought she was probably teething, but there has to come a point where every little holler and tantrum can not be blamed on teething week after week. So yes, M got her third tooth. She is going to have the silliest smile, her two bottom middle teeth and one eye tooth! As for me, I'm just so delighted to have my little angel back.
Look at that smiling face.


Kristy said...

That is little reds outfit, but the funny thing is I think you may have bought it for her? It seems like you got her that & a couple others from Mervyn's or somewhere? I am probably wrong though, you are the elephant you would probably remember if it was you!! I love her in red!! She is a little sweet I tell ya!! Well just call her our little vampire with her pointers pokin through 1st!! Some of the worst part of teething is over though because those teeth SUCK to cut!! Poor baby!!

haylee lynn... said...

Oh my gosh she is so cute!! I love that shirt she is wearing... where did you get it?? Don't want to make you sad but she is getting so big! She sits up so good... I want M and H to play!!

Jessica said...

I love her in that red shirt! Does she have a red glint to her hair? Teething is funny like that- you think you shouldn't blame all of the crazieness on it, but then it always turns out to be the culprit. With Madeline all it affected was her sleep schedule, so I was always unsure of whether it was teething or just her being spoiled and wanting to be held all night. Always ended with a tooth popping through.