My beloved daughter is 9 months old. Wow, how time flies. This time last year I was about 6 1/2 months pregnant and Dave and I were just beginning to work on our little girl's nursery. Which came out oh so adorable, by the way. I can't believe how fast another month has come and went. One year is coming around the corner way too fast. I am so not ready for that. As always, as much as I miss the tiny little baby that just lies still in my arms and lets out this little birdie cry when she is hungry, I am enjoying my daughter so much every. single. day. Marlee is just bursting with personality. I could sit all day and watch her little mind process things, so full of curiosity. I am also so happy that I have really taken the time to chronicle things. Not only do I post here, I have a calendar that I try to write something in weekly, and also a journal that I started back when I was pregnant. With that add all the pictures and video as I do not want to forget even one moment, although I know this is impossible. Dave and I were watching some of the video from when M was just home from the hospital and I got so emotional. I can't believe how much has changed, how much M has changed, over these past months. How quickly the little things are forgotten.
Okay, I am just documenting so many thoughts rolling through my head right now..enough.
At nine months Marlee Kay:
-weighs 21 pounds - 75th percentile
-is 29 1/2 inches long - 95th percentile
-wears a size 3 diaper
-still eats just about anything we give her, as long as it pureed smoothly. She still hates texture. This past month she was introduced to plums, green beans, oatmeal, apricots, peaches, blueberries. Her fav's seem to be prunes, yogurt, and sweet potatoes.
-cut her two bottom teeth (3/14)
-said Bubba (3/14) and Mama (3/15), but her choice of word is still Dada.
-started "scooting" - aka army crawl (3/29)
-took her first "actual" crawl, up on her hands and knees on 4/5. However, she still prefers the army crawl.
-sits up unassisted and can even go from laying to sitting on her own.
-is so curious. I could sit all day and watch her little mind process the world around her. Her little brain is always in constant motion.
-loves to be outside. When I open the back door and take her onto the porch, she starts flappin' her arms and legs and squealing with excitement.
-is so full of energy and is constantly moving, flapping, and scooting.
-is starting to love her lovey, Mr. Bear. Now when I lay her down for naps and bedtime I give her Mr. Bear. She gets the biggest smile and lays her head on my chest or shoulder with her Mr. Bear. It pleases me to see her find comfort and security in her little friend.
-loves showers with Dada. We take her into the bathroom and once she realizes it's shower time, she squeals with delight.-is starting to love her lovey, Mr. Bear. Now when I lay her down for naps and bedtime I give her Mr. Bear. She gets the biggest smile and lays her head on my chest or shoulder with her Mr. Bear. It pleases me to see her find comfort and security in her little friend.
Snuggle time with M is few and far between. Occasionally when one of us is holding her, Marlee will lie her head in our shoulder. Dave and I both cherish these moments.
Another cherished moment..when she reaches her arms out for us.
I have started signing with her over the past couple of months. I have been doing milk, food and more. I am going to start incorporating mama, dada, book, and bed soon.
This past month we took Marlee on her first real fun outing. We have a built in saltwater fish tank that she absolutely loves, so we thought it would be a good idea to take her to the Shark Reef at the Mandalay Bay. She l.o.v.e.d. it. We would take her up to the huge tanks and she would flap her arms and legs and squeal with delight. So much fun.
Marlee Kay makes me smile every single day. Her laugh is contagious. Her innocence humbles me. She is the light of Mama's life. She is my life. She gives me purpose. She makes my life complete.
That is love!! What a beautiful letter to your sweet baby! I love the pictures, especially hte one of her in the shower& the one of you looking at her, you can see the love all over your face!! That little one was well worth the wait!!!
She is so beautiful! And she's lucky to have such great parents to love her up!
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