Sunday, April 13, 2008

Splash Splish

Marlee's first swim!!

On Sunday the 6th, Dave took Marlee in the pool. Don't worry people, it's heated. As shown in the pictures, she loved it.

When she first got in the water, Marlee was hesitant. After about five minutes, she was loving it..splashing, kicking, and squealing. She kept trying to push away from Dada. Dada even blew on her face and dunked her. Marlee came up, looked a little shocked and scared, and then started laughing.

She's going to be a little fish, just like her Dada and Mama were when they were little.


Lesley Barr Photography said...

F!U!N!!! She looks like she had a blast!!!! I think mine may cry their little eyes out. Marlee will most def. be a little fishie!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad she liked it. You'll spend so much time with her out there. She has the best complection. I am jealous...