Monday, January 28, 2008

Random Thoughts..

Marlee Kay has a thing with hands. When I am feeding her a bottle, she will lift up her arm and just stare at her hand in amazement, turning her wrist back and forth. Then she will open and close her hand. It's like she is seeing her little hand for the first time, all the time. If I hold up my hand, Marlee will focus on it, then place her hand in my hand and just gaze at our hands.

Marlee also does this new thing, again, usually when I am feeding her. She will crinkle up her nose and snort in and out and in and out. I need to get a picture of this.

Now that Marlee has learned she can roll from back to belly, to back, to belly, she loves to be on the floor. I can put a blanket down in the family room, lie her on it, and she will be so content rolling around. She loves to be on her belly, smacking her hands on the blanket, "bouncing", kicking her legs, bobbing her head up and down, and trying so hard to move.

When I am changing Marlee on her changing table, she has this thing where she rolls to her side and grabs the long sleeve of my left arm, tugging and laughing all the while.

We have this "game" we play. After I get done suctioning her nose with the aspirator (is that what the sucky thing is called?), I put it in the side of her mouth by her cheeks, release the ball and suction her mouth. She thinks it is so comical..we both laugh and laugh. Now, every time I get out the aspirator, Marlee immediately opens her mouth, wanting to play the "game".
Lately, Marlee has been sleeping on her side. It is so damn cute. She has her arms bent, one above her head and the other at her side, and she sticks her little butt out. When she wakes, Marlee seems to immediately roll onto her tummy. Once she sees me or Dada, she does the bouncing, hand smacking, head bopping thing.
My favorite times with Marlee throughout the day is when I lay her down for a nap or bedtime and when I get her up after her nap or first thing in the morning. I hold Marlee tight and she wraps her little arms around my neck and gives me a hug..makes my day.

Marlee loves the Bubba's and the Bubba's seem to love Marlee-from a distance. When Marlee is sleeping in her room, Cooper will go in there and lay on her floor. The other day Marlee was taking a nap and Dave was in the shower. When Marlee awoke, Cooper went into the bathroom, waited for Dave and he did this thing that he does when he wants one of us to follow him. He starts running and every couple of steps he looks back, to make sure that we are following him. He ran right into Marlee's room. He wanted us to know that Marlee was awake.

I almost forgot to mention, Marlee can now sit up unassisted for about 10 seconds.

Sorry for the randomness. I have so many thoughts going through my head today and I wanted to get it all down on "paper". Time is going by way too fast for me. I can't even keep up and I am worried if I don't document every little moment, or thought, it will be lost forever as every day is literally a new day with my beautiful Marlee Kay.


Kristy said...

How sweet!! It is true, it goes by so fast so I am so glod you are so good at keeping track of it all! I regret that a lot, you always thinks I'll do it tomorrow & then before you know it you don't even remember what you wanted to remember, sad! I love the random post!! SHe is so sweet! She usually wakes up happy unless there is a strange face looking back at her :)

Kristy said...

Woops I meant glod not GLOD LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love the last picture of her. She looks so cute sitting up. She is making the cutest little face. You are so right about writing everything down. I wish I had. You do forget things. I can't believe how big she is getting. I need one of her hugs. :)

Kristy said...

Wow, I did it again! I am trying to say GLAD!!!!DUmmy!

Lesley Barr Photography said...

Hahah @ Kristy!
I sure hope ANAL Ang cleans the aspirator between nose sucking and mouth sucking.! =)
She is so cute! Already sitting up...where does the time go!?!
If Marlee is anything like Shenzie she will continue the nose scrunch sniff for a LONG time. Can't wait to see you this week! We're all healthy!

haylee lynn... said...

I love your post! Your random thoughts made me smile... babies are truly the best thing ever!! I had a pretty bad day at work the other day so my boss Cathy made a comment about me going home and drinking. The next day she asked if I had a glass of wine and I said, "no, once I saw Haylee my day was perfect again". How do they do that??