At eight months Marlee Kay:
-weighs roughly 20 pounds.
-wears a size 3 diaper.
-eats great. She has been introduced to: acorn and butternut squash, sweet potatoes, peas, bananas, apples, pears, prunes, mangos, rice cereal, plain and vanilla yogurt, and carrots. She is such a good eater and has eaten any type of fruit and veggie we give her. She seems to eat anything, just like Dada.
-reaches her arms out at me and Dada to be picked up (March 3). So cute..melts my heart.
-is so active. She is constantly moving, kicking her feet, smacking her hands, and wiggling.
-sits up unassisted for about 10 seconds.
-sits up unassisted for about 10 seconds.
-rolls and rolls and rolls. She can get anywhere. I turn my head for a couple of seconds and Marlee is across the family room playing with the curtains. She is definitely an active baby.
-gets up on hands and knees and rocks back and forth (March 7). She's going to be crawling before we know it.
-is so vocal. She screams, squeals, laughs, and babbles so loudly.
-puts anything and everything she gets her hands on into her mouth.
-loves to be read to. Every night Dada and I take turns reading her a bedtime story. So often when Dave is reading to her I peak in on them and just watch Dave be so gentle and sweet with her.
-is such a good sleeper. She sleeps between 11 and 12 hours a night and takes 2-3 naps. I know, I know, I'm a lucky Mama.
-loves pictures. I take her around the house and point to all the pictures on the wall and tell her, "this is Marlee, or Mama, or Dada, or Bubba's". She starts kicking and laughing. Especially when I show Marlee pictures of herself.
-enjoys showers with Dada and walks in her stroller to the park with the Bubba's.
-is constantly playing with her tongue..clicking, spitting, blowing spit bubbles-you name it.
-is very timid when around people and unfamiliar places. She sits back and takes everything in. It usually doesn't take her long to warm up though. She is definitely like her Mama, a creature of habit and familiar surroundings.
-does not like loud noises.
-does not like loud noises.
-does not like to sit still.
A couple of weeks ago I went in Marlee's room after she woke from her nap and this is what I saw:
Yes, we had to drop her crib mattress this month. Sad day for me.
Marlee is growing up so fast. Everyday it seems she is learning and doing something new. I am so lucky to be able to stay home with her and soak up every possible second by her side. Marlee Kay brings purpose to my life. As Dave says, his little punkin makes everything true. How lucky we are.
This is the best age. I ove the new things they start doing. I love when they put their arms out for you to pick them up. Always my favorite. She is so darn cute. Time is going by way to fast.She will be 1 before you know it.
That first picture is perfect. She is so cute and wonderful. I agree, this age is so much fun. They are learning so much and soaking everything in. I can't wait to see her crawl. I can't believe she is already 8 months!!! Time is zooming by. I agree babies make everything better. I couldn't imagine not having them.
WOW!! 8 months old already!! I am so glad you are taking the time to enjoy EVERY moment! After all the sadness around lately I am really trying to put everything else aside & enjoy this time with my little sweets!! It is hard, you make it look easy, you are so good about balancing all your free time with Marlee, & still making time to cook, clean & go to school! SHe is a lucky girl to have you & Dave!!
I love love love the barrett!! I miss little girls! I think I need another one :)
Marlee is such a cutie! What a sweet post! It's making me all teary eyed (it's late, I'm tired). Maison will be doing all those things before I know it. I just wish they could grow up in half time- just half as fast. Maybe then it wouldn't be so bittersweet.
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