Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sad Day Squared

So, yesterday was another sad, sad day. My beloved Brett Favre, quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, retired after 17 seasons. He was my MVP and one of the main reasons I love to watch football. What now?

On a more serious side note, Mollie seems to be doing better. She hasn't had anymore "episodes" since I picked her up from Dr. Vet Monday afternoon..thank goodness because it scares the hell out of me and so sad to watch. The blood work came back fine and the doc told me he leans towards something neurological but does not feel it is necessary to put her on meds or get a neurological analysis. He told me to keep a close eye on her and let him know if she has anymore episodes.
One more thing and then I will get off this topic. I just want to tell my sissie, Stacey, thank you for making me feel better. You always raise a good point when it comes to my pity parties with my Bubba's...I was given dogs with problems because I take good care of them and go to any and all lengths to keep them healthy and here with me for as long as I can. Most people don't. Thanks sissie.

Okay, so what now? I know, let's talk politics. Anyone watch yesterday's primary coverage? Pretty exciting, right? Senator Clinton took three of the four primaries yesterday, including Ohio and Texas, which are huge. Before yesterday Obama had great momentum, winning numerous states and if Clinton didn't do good yesterday she was basically out. So I say yipee for Hillary! I know many people don't like her and when I ask why there is really no reason, at least politically. She just turns people off. To each their own, however I happen to like her, and Obama for that matter, and I am really torn between the two for different reasons. I can't understand Clinton's extreme dislike because if people took the time to research her and what she stands for, she is definitely for the people. If Obama wins, fine. Fair is fair, but sometimes it seems to not always be fair. Maybe our country hasn't come far enough. It saddens because I hear time and time again, it's not because she is a woman. Well, then what is it? And if it's not her, then who?
A couple of weeks ago I was watching Bill Maher and a feminist was on talking about how she feels there is more sexism than racism in this country. My response to this at the time was no, certainly not. However, after watching the debates and coverage of the primaries and hearing the comments that are made about Hillary, I might have to agree with her. I know many will disagree with this and I realize there is still racism in this country. Maybe I feel this way because I am white and female..I don't know. I rambling now.
Off my soapbox now.


haylee lynn... said...

That was nice of you to say. Thanks sissy!! You are a good mama to Marlee, Coop and Mollie. They are very lucky to have you.

BTW, very well written analysis regarding Obama v. Clinton, and racism v. sexism. You have great points!!

Dara & the Boys said...

Sorry you had to watch Mollie go through that but I'm glad to hear she is doing better. You are a great human mommy and doggie mommy! I have to agree with Dave if I had to come back a dog I would want you to be my owner. The election is frustrating to me but it's going to be very interesting to who wins..that is for sure. Everyone needs to vote!