Thursday, March 20, 2008

All things me me and me!

My sissie Lesley tagged me with 7 random facts meme.

The rules are:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules here
3. Share 7 random or weird facts about yourself
4. Tag 7 random people at the end of the post, linking to them
5. Leave a comment on their blog so that they know they’ve been tagged

So, here goes...

1. My husband was exactly twice my age when we started dating in 2000 (yes, I was of legal age and then some). This is weird to most and we have gotten used to being judged. How do I respond to this? He is the yang to my yin and what we have works for us. Dave and I will be celebrating 6 years of marriage next month. What can I say, I like em mature, distinguished and wise. Like a fine wine, he just gets better with age.

2. I have many many obsessive compulsive tendencies. I like things a "certain" way, which is my way. I have an extremely difficult time giving up control. My family calls me AA. No, I am not an alcoholic, it stands for Anal Ange.

3. I am a hermit, recluse, loner, you name it. I loathe crowds and will go days without leaving, other than walks to the park with Marlee and my two spoiled doggies. Many people probably find this strange. I however love to be at home and in my element.

4. I love to learn. I know, I'm a nerd. I have always been a very curious person that asks a lot of questions and has a hard time taking something at face value. My Mom tells me when I was little I would drive her crazy asking question after question. She has always said I would make a great reporter/journalist.

5. Following #4, I want to be a lawyer and I think I would make a damn good one. Before my beloved Marlee, this was my career goal. Now I am still going to school, majoring in Criminal Justice and Business, but I'm unsure as to where it will lead me.

6.I am an interior designer at heart. After attending one semester at the Architecture Program at UNLV I realized it wasn't for me, but deep deep down I have a huge passion for design and architecture.

7. Dave and I have talked about selling everything, buying a motor home (one of those swanky ones), and traveling around the country for a couple of years. Just the five of us (Dave, Marlee, Cooper, Mollie, and Myself). No, I am not kidding. What an educational and entertaining experience this would be. We would hit every National Park, National Monument, all the oceans, everything.

Okay, I am tagging:
Kristy, Stacey, Dara, and Kristie. Hop to it girls.
That's all the bloggin' buddies I've got!


Lesley Barr Photography said...

Love it!!!

Jeff and I just talked about that very same thing. Selling everything, buying a travel home and exploring Canada and the US for a year. What fun it would be. All of the places you would see, the cultures of different areas, the interesting people. FUN!!!!

AA is right!! Crazy Ange!!!

Anonymous said...

I think you and Dave are the perfect match. No one should judge you two.

This one may take me awhile. I don't know if there are 7 things about me that I can think of.