The other day Kristy and I were talking about how well we take care of ourselves when we are pregnant and breastfeeding because of the little bean growing inside of us. We don't skip meals, try to eat healthy, drink AMPLE amounts of water, take our prenatal vitamins religiously, cut out caffeine, etc. Yet, once that baby pops out none of these rules seem to apply. Every morning for breakfast I have a big fat cup of caFFeinated coffee, I am doing good if I drink half the recommended amount of water in a day, and I probably remember to take my vitamins twice a week. Why is this? Is our own health not important to us?
I always hear Mom's talk about the things they do not miss about being pregnant. There are so many things I miss aBouT being pregnant.
I miss...
-Feeling Marlee Kay move
-The constant attention and worry that my husband showed
-Being lazy and not at all feeling guilty about it
-Not having to suck in my stomach
- Not being nearly as greasy
-I was neVer dehydrated with all the water I drank
-Being regular...sissies-you know what I mean =)
-My clear skin-again because of all the water I drank
-No pAiNfUl periods...woohoo
-And of course, the ever growing elastic pants!
Isn't that the truth! When I was preggo I drank a gallon a day, ate every 2-3 hours (the diabetes)...VERY healthy. Right after the babies were born I missed so many meals and did not drink nearly enough I eat way too much crap, don't drink enough water and drink two cups of heavily creamered coffee every day. Bad Bad Bad!
As for missing being pregnant..I miss up to week 28 when things started going south. Feeling them kick and move, knowing you were creating a miracle, anticipating meeting fun!
Very cute post :) It is so true, the baby is sooo important to keep healthy, but we treat the mom like crap:) Kinda funny!! Thanks for the reminders on the things that you miss, I am trying not to rush the "DONE" feeling, especially since it's my last, but it's hard not to, you remimded me of the miracle I will miss inside of me.
I was the worst pregnant woman EVER!!! When I was pregnant with Shelby I had for lunch everyday fritos, a 20 oz. pepsi and string cheese at least I was getting some calcium. Maybe that is why I gained 5o lbs. I was better with the other 2. I can also remember the night before I was induced with Katelyn laying in bed feeling her kick knowing it was the last time I would feel that. I loved that feeling....
I truly miss NOTHING about being Prego... Ok maybe feeling the movements but that's about it. As for eating good, what a box of twinkies, donughts, chocolate isn't part of a good prego diet?? I eat better now than I ever have and it's still not very good. But I do drink the water pretty good...
Love all the sites on the kids..
I think it is so amazing what we women are able to create... we create life. I don't think it gets much better then that. We only need a little help from dad, and we moms take care of the rest! I felt Carter move yesterday and it made me sad because I forgot how it felt with Haylee in my belly. I say we "plan" our next pregnancy together if we decide to take the plunge again!
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