Thursday, February 26, 2009

When in Doubt

Check it out.

Last week, Marlee had a rough couple of days. After about four days of hell, I finally broke down and took her to the doctor last Wednesday for a once over. Turns out she had fluid in both her ears. Her doctor said it probably started as allergies and settled in her ears.
Of course, I felt awful that it took me four days to break down and get her in. Haven't I mentioned how much I hate doctors?
And I felt double awful when M's doc told me that the fluid causes her to feel pressure in her ears as if she were on an airplane.

On top of the ear issue, Marlee is also fighting off a nasty chest cold. Poor thing sounds awful. Since birth, she has been so lucky in the sickies department and let me just say she does not handle sickness well.
I'm happy to report, after 8 days of antibiotics, she is on the mend.
My new motto...when in doubt, check it out.

Daddy taking such good care of his baby girl

I sure hope she is not going to have environmental allergies like her Mama. The food allergies are bad enough.


haylee lynn... said...

That is the SWEETEST picture of Marlee snuggling on the couch! She is getting so big... I know you hate hearing this but I am REALLY sorry we got Marlee sick. Glad she is feeling better.

Lesley Barr Photography said...

I'm glad Marlee Moo is on the mend. That picture of her cuddling on the couch with her blankie and milkie is TOO precious!

Anonymous said...

Yay to feeling better!!! There is nothing worse than when the little ones are down and out! Poor baby!

Jessica said...

It's awful when they're sick, but they are so cute all snuggly and sad. At least Molly and Coup were right there to help out.

Anonymous said...

I hate going to the Dr. to. I always feel like we are going to walk out sickier then when we came in. I love the picture of her and Dave.

Anonymous said...

Glad she's better, such cute pictures. My goodness I have smart G-Kids, must take after granny!!
Love me

Kristy said...

sorry she was a sicky :) That is no fun!! Those pictures are so sweet! she does not like being sicky:) poor baby.