Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Did It!

Look what finally came in the mail:

Yes, I have already framed it and have it hanging in my office.
And yes, I stare at it often.

Take a closer look:

Yes, I did graduate with not just honors, but with HIGH honors. I guess that's what having a 3.86 GPA gets you.
And yes, I'm bragging.

Look for another one of these degrees coming my way at the end of the year.
Yes, I am a busy bee.
And yes, it is worth it.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I know you worked your butt of. You deserve to brag.

Unknown said...

I am so very proud of you not only for being the FIRST one to get a degree but with HIGH Honors....

You are the bomb, sometimes our biggest struggles are the most rewarding...

Love you,

Jessica said...

You rock! And another one coming- that's amazing. If you're anything like me, it seems impossible to finish ANYTHING these days, which makes this big deal an even bigger deal. Congrats!

Maryann said...

Congrats!!!! That's a fabulous accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Angie!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

Lesley Barr Photography said...

Congratulations Sissy. Like Kristie deserve to brag!!

Kristy said...

Wow!! THat is amazing! Great job there Mrs Graduate!!! I know you worked your butt off, it has to feel so so good to see the results hangin on you wall :)