Monday, April 27, 2009


It's been (almost) 7 months.
7 months since I made a commitment to make exercise a part of my life.
7 months later, I am happy to report that I have made good on my commitment.

Things that keep me motivated...
*I am down 10 pounds (as of April 1st - haven't weighed myself since)
*I (finally) reached my pre pregnancy weight.
*Flexing in the mirror (joking, kind of)

I am still working out with a trainer a couple of times a week, and she has really helped motivate me and keep me going.

About a month ago I made a goal for myself to run a 5k by my 30th birthday (this August). After running (no pun intended) this goal past my sister and workout partner, Stacey, we started running and haven't looked back.
I am now up to running a steady 2.5 miles without stopping....and it feels good!
Stacey and I (and maybe Dave) are hoping to run our first 5k in the next couple of months.

I realized my first goal was so minuscule, and I have upped the ante...

My new goal...
I have decided to run the half marathon (13.1 miles) in December. And, of course, Stacey is on board with me as I think she might enjoy running even more than I do.

**Make no mistake, this whole running and work out thing has not come easy to me. I have had my good months and bad, and by no means do I crave going to the gym. However, over the last couple of months I have really started noticing changes. It has taken so much longer than I had initially expected, but overall I am at a very good place and feeling very positive about myself.


Anonymous said...

Good for you. It takes such dedication to workout. One of these days I will get motivated. You will be my motivation. :)

haylee lynn... said...

Yay!!! We are going to run a half-marathon... I am so excited! Thank you for pushing me. I wouldn't have made this goal on my own, but am glad you did because it has upped my motivation. We are the BOMB... Love ya!

Kristy said...

Ya for you!!! I know it has not been easy sticking with it, especially with as bust as you are, but you are motivation for us all! Is all I have to say is YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Jessica said...

You are rockin' it! Good for you.

Lesley Barr Photography said...

Great job sissy! 2.5 miles, way to go!! That is awesome you're going to run a quarter marathon. Leah (Jeff sister) is doing a half in 5 weeks and a full at the end of the year. She loves it.

Angela said...

No Lesley, I am doing a half marathon (not a quarter).=)

Denise said...

Good for you!!! That's so wonderful. You look good and even better your healthy and full of life. Can't beat that!