Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Marlee Lately

Month in Review...

Feeding the ducks (or as M calls them: quack) at the park.

Graduated to the big swing. After playing with my friend Jessica's daughter last month, Marlee wants nothing to do with the "baby" swings anymore.

Goodbye high chair, hello booster (3/19). You can see from her expression, she loves her big girl chair.

M's new ride.

Can't get enough of the Cheetos.

Relaxing in a storage bin.

First good owwwwwwwwwwwie, as M would say (4/5)

Loves horsey rides from Daddy.


Susan W. said...
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Kristy said...

I love the title of your post!! She is getting so big, it looks like she is having lots of fun! Poor baby with her booboo!!

Jessica said...

Don't those big geese scare you when they get so close?? I'm always afraid they're going to charge us and steal all of our bread or bite off our noses.

Marlee looks so cute and happy in her big girl booster chair. I can't believe she's going to be 2 soon! You guys have to come over for another play date before it gets too hot outside. After all of my manure goes away though- it's really gross.


Denise said...

she's getting so big! She's such a cutie.