Last Monday as Marlee and I were running errands, I decided to go through one of those drive through car washes. After I paid and started through the wash, I realized Marlee had never been through one of these before and I wasn't quite sure how she was going to handle it. Well, she LOVED it! I turned around to watch her and she was throwing her head back and forth and laughing through the entire wash as she looked through the side windows.
Disclaimer: poop mentioned.
Marlee is usually a nap time pooper. When I go in after a nap or in the morning, she has pooped. Upon the unpleasant whiff I get entering her room, I always say did you poop? The other day I walk in her room and get the whiff. My daughter jumps up, holds her arms out for me, and says poop, poop. She completely understands what I am saying and is relating the word to the act (or object). Wow.
Tantrums are in full swing here at the Ross house. When M doesn't get her way, whether it be us not picking her up and holding her while standing (this is a new one), or we take something away from her, she sits on the ground, slowly lies back and starts to scream and holler. It is so amusing because she is so careful as she puts her head back on the ground.
And for your viewing pleasure....

Because what's a post without an adorable picture? Isn't she getting so so big???
A. Most kids are totally freaked out @ car washes, leave it to M to love it!!
B. She is really going to start exploding with her vocabulary if she already is understanding like that!!
C. I remember A used to slam her head on the floor during tantrums, that is funny that M is so careful & then starts screaming.
D. Thanks for the viewing pleasure, yes she is getting so big. I love the pic!!
Look at those big teeth! She is getting so big and so adorable. It's funny that she loved the carwash because they are pretty freaky. Madeline likes it when it's over, but during, she's a little bit freaked out.
She has some beautiful eyes!!! what a cutie.
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