Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Smallest Gestures...

Mean oh so much.
A couple of evenings ago, I decided to go have a little me time for a few hours. I kissed my two babes (aka husband and daughter) goodbye and off I went. When I got home, about 9:00pm, both the babes were sleeping...expected that. However, the dinner dishes were done, kitchen counters clean and wiped down, and all Marlee's "stuff" (ie toys, books, stuffed animals) were put away in their respective places. The only thing I had to do was start the dishwasher.
These little helpful things that my husband does without being asked mean so much to me. What a lucky, lucky girl I am to have such a wonderful partner.

Thanks Sugar...I heart you <3.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you went and had some ME time. You deserve it. I know you don't do it a lot. Or at all since Marlee.

We are so alike. I can't go to bed if there is still a dish in the sink. I think we have a sickness. :) What a great husband you have. Most men would leave everything. Including my husband.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a good man... you should keep him around for awhile!!! :-)