Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Halfway to Three

At 2.6 (01/10/10), MK

-knows her abc's
-counts to 20
-learning her colors. recognizes blue, black, purple, green, white, pink, orange, yellow. All the basics but red. I'm starting to think she may be color blind to red.
-favorites are probably purple and green.
-shapes. recognizes triangle, heart, star, and circle.
-slowly grasping her opposites. she now says "momma i happy" or "i sad."
-talks and talks and talks.
-loves to swing so high, as she says.
-has a serious addiction to minnie and mickey. mr bear has taken a back seat.

-is still in her crib. with a tent. yes, she's a climber.
-goes down the big slides at the park all by herself. i have daddy to thank for this one.
-has started going potty on the toe-toe.
-loves the library and all things book.

-has a freckle on her right thigh, which she compares to her daddy's freckle. sometimes when i rub lotion on her she gets upset worrying that the freckle will rub off.
-is a great sleeper and still napping daily.
-loves baking with momma.
-is addicted to her daddy.
-cut all four 2 year molars. two in november. two in december.
-makes me smile. everyday.

**MK is now 2 years 10 months, but this post was written in January when she was actually 2 years 6 months. I never posted it. Oops.


Jessica said...

Hey! When did you start a blog?? Oh, yeah...that's right...I had forgotten since it's been so long. Ha! Like I have room to talk.

So funny about the freckle and she looks even more like her daddy with those glasses on.

Denise said...

Oh Angie, she's so beautiful and getting so big so fast!

Kristy said...

I love her....that picture in the glasses is adorable. She is getting to big to fast! Love the cheese!! She is a perfect amount of serious & silly!!