Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's sOOper Tuesday

As a child, you are always told you can do and be what you want to be. However, there is no doubt that, still today, racism and sexism exists in this country. That is why this election is so important. No matter who gets the Democratic nominee, history will be made. This country is finally moving forward. I look at Marlee and think, she can be whatever she wants to be and it is such a wonderful feeling. Any parent knows that once you have a child, everything changes. Once I had Marlee, my life changed. Every thought, belief, and view I have relates back to Marlee and how this will have a direct affect on her and her future. How will the choices I make and we make as a society today shape and influence Marlee's life? These are my thoughts when I think about who the next President of the United States should be.

Okay, enough of the mush. Today is Super Tuesday...history is in the making. So, in honor of today I found this presidential survey:


Answer the questions TRUTHFULLY and you will see which candidate best matches your view on important issues. Dave and I both did the survey and I will spare you with the details of our outcome, but let's just say Dave was quite surprised, or maybe he wasn't!

Note: if you have trouble following the link, just go to http://minnesota.publicradio.org/ and click on the presidential survey listed under Super Tuesday-MPR'S Select A Candidate.


haylee lynn... said...

FYI... mine was the same...

Anonymous said...

Interesting- I did it. I came up with the canidate that I was planning on voting for anyways. Good to know. I sent the link to my sister and parents.

Kristy said...

Good one!! I am amazed at the results!! You are a really good writer sissy:) You must have paid more attention in English, or maybe it is because you have gone to a lot more years of school than me. Soon you'll be a college graduate!! I love how much everything has changed since Marlee, a lot has changed for me, but not to your degree, I worry more about everyday, not so much the future, I better pull my head out of my a-- & start paying more attention. SHe is a lucky lucky girl :) Not to mention to darn cute!

Lesley Barr Photography said...

Mine came up Obama and since I'm undecided between him and Clinton I guess it doesn't matter. Interesting though that "all results" shows Obama at 30% and Clinton at 20%. They are so close in the polls it is going to be a close call.

Dara & the Boys said...

It is amazing how our views change so much when we have children. All the plans and the things that we thought were important are out the door, just about everything is centered around them. I'll have to do the survey, I'm interested to know what my turn out is.