My sweet baby girl is 3 months old today! I can hardly believe it. She is growing up so fast, too fast. She weighs about 12 pounds and is 24 1/2 inches long. My Mom has always said watching your child grow up is bittersweet and I couldn't agree more. Sad to see her changing so fast but so excited to see what tomorrow holds. It is surreal. The other day I was changing her diaper and I let out a little cough...Marlee Kay looked up at me..and laughed! This is the first time she has actually "laughed" when she has been awake. I could have cried! And of course now every time I make this little fake cough she laughs...that is until the video camera gets set up..already stubborn like her Mama..and Dada!

Not only are Dave and I blessed to have a daughter, we are blessed to have such a good...and haPPy daughter. Someone asked me the other day "so how has parenting been for you these past few months?" My response...piece of cake! Marlee has made it so easy for us.
She is getting so strong. She still has a slight bobble head but sometimes she holds her head up all by herself!
Although she loves her Mama, she is definitely a Dada's girl. When Dave comes home from work and Marlee hears him, she starts looking around for him. Right when he goes to her and their eyes meet Marlee smiles and smiles...Mama's heart melts!

She is still sleeping in the pack-n-play next to our bed. I know, I know, our goal was by 3 months, but we are just not ready to move her into her crib. Her bedroom seems miles away! Dave gets out of bed and checks on her about a gizillion times a night with her IN our room and I still have the habit of putting my hand on her chest to make sure she is breathing. I'm not sure if we are both so nervous because of Marlee's traumatic birth and her not breathing on her own for a good 5 minutes or if we would have been this craZy anyway...I vote the latter! Hey, at least she's not IN our bed, right? The good news is she takes naps in her cribs and for the most part she sleeps well.
Marlee loves to go for walks with the Bubba's. She just sits in her stroller and takes everything in. As she is looking around I think, wow, this is the very first time she has seen a tree, or heard a siren (that happened yesterday), or looked at the sky..unbelievable.
Dave and I both left her for the first time last month. Dave was at work and I had to go to the doctor for an ultrasound. Auntie Kristy came over and babysat for a couple of hours. I get so sad to leave her...I know, no doubt, I'm crazy. I think in the next couple weeks Dave and I will break down, get a sitter and have date night.
At times when I look at or think about Marlee I get overwhelmed with emotion. The other day I said to Dave "Don't you just love her..I mean really lOvE her?" His response: "she's like a breath of sunshine."
What a sweet post! I am sure part of your woory is the SCARE you both caused us during her birth!!! You will get there one day! There aren't any rules! Remember, She is yours & you can do whatever you want! I never thought about all the 1st's like that, pretty neat way to think of it! Happy 3 Months Little Marlee Miracle!
Agree with Kristy...she is your daughter you don't have to follow anyone else's rules but your own! I love Dave's comment about a breath of sunshine. I don't think you quite understand the LOVE LOVE until you are a parent. Happy Three Months!
I did the same thing with my girls. Always checking to see if they are breathing. I still do it sometimes if they sleep in a little too late. I love seeing you and Dave as parents together. You are a natural. I think she is looking more and more like you. Don't you love to see Dad's with their little girls? It does melt your heart. Happy 3 months Marlee!!
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