Saturday, November 14, 2009

I love you....

Another first.
As I was tucking Marlee into bed and telling her goodnight, I said love you, as I always do.
But tonight was different than all the other nights.
Marlee told me she loved me.
Her exact words, love you.

Although I have heard her repeat this to Daddy when he tells her he loves her over the past few days or so, this is a first for Momma.

She is growing up. Everyday.

**Another photo courtesy of my talented sister Lesley.


Denise said...

What a sweet little bug!

Kristy said...

Ooooooh, she is a little heart melter :)
Those moments make all the others sooo worth it!!!
Love the picture!

Unknown said...

Remember those words when your days aren't going so great..
There are days when you say something that melts my heart, it's forever and always:)
Love the pictue, your little M.M. is so lucky to have you as her mama..
Grama Jan