Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pickin' Pumpkins

Our trip to the pumpkin' patch today. Or as Marlee calls it, the pumpkin store...

M set out to find the perfect pumpkin

and pet the animals

and go down the huge far, her favorite

can you tell

and even though she looks to be having a good time, this was her pouty expression for most of the morning

unless she was going down the slide, that is.

PS-yes, those are holes in Dave's socks. As he says, they are his Sunday socks...Holy. Get it?


Jessica said...

So fun! I want a huge pumpkin like you had last year. I want to take Madeline, I'm just afraid I won't be able to get her away from the slide to look at pumpkins. Marlee's so brave with that goat in her face. And her pouty face always looks so contemplative. Like there's lots going on in there.

Denise said...

Holy moly she is getting so big. She's such a stunning little girl!!!!

Kristy said...

How fun!! Um, lovin that last picture! That is my MOO face, I love it!!! I love the look of determination when she is grabbing her pumpkin!K~either you buy your hubby new socks or I'm gonna leave a pack on your doorstep :) Funny joke :)