Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another First

I would like to start out by saying Dave and I try our best to watch our potty mouths around Marlee. There are definitely a few bad words that are not used; in front of M, that is. However, every once in a while, you will hear a few choice not-so-bad words. Especially the S word...

Yesterday (July 25th), as we were driving home...
Dave says, "holy sh*t".
Marlee responds, in the sweetest, most matter-of-fact voice, "holy sh*t, holy sh*t, holy sh*t".

We get home and Marlee did something to which Dave responds...
"little" and he stops himself.
Marlee then says "sh*t".

So, moral of the story...I guess it's time to stop calling my daughter and the dogs a little sh*t.


Jessica said...

Ahhhh, her first cuss word! It's so cute when ugly words come so innocently out of their mouths. Not I call my M "little turd". Soooo much nicer, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

That is to funny. It is kind of cute when they say them. But just when they are 2. :)

Kristy said...

That is funny!! I can totally picture her saying it all sweet!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!!That is funny, funny, funny!

Denise said...

That was me Ang.... I never got to add my name.