Sunday, May 10, 2009

Round 2

Another Mother's Day, my second, has come and gone.
Today, I feel fortunate...
...fortunate to FINALLY be a Mama and celebrate this day
...fortunate to have a healthy daughter who amazes me daily
...fortunate to have a wonderful husband who would do anything for us

and last, but certainly not least
...fortunate to have the best Mom a girl could ask for. Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you.

4 generations..Mom, Grandma, Me, Marlee Kay. Oct 08

**I so milked this day for all it is worth. I told my husband I wanted nothing more than a clean house and to be dotted (is that even a word) on all day. The dotting part, he went above and beyond. I barely lifted a finger all day. The clean house, well, it got about half done. And I am more than pleased! Thanks for making my day so special. Next year Marlee will have to step up.=)

1 comment:

Denise said...

Love that shot of your mom and grandma... wow they look wonderful.

Happy Mothers Day!