Sunday, May 31, 2009


I try to brush Marlee's teeth twice a day, after breakfast and before bed. If I shoot for twice a day, I know it will get done at least once. It's always the last thing she does (or we do) before she goes to bed.
The past few nights after milkie, I tell M it's time for night night, like I always do. And you know what she tells me? Teeth. She says teeth and points to her teeth. Telling us to brush her teeth.
Habit already formed.
Little, yet big, things like this remind me of how quickly her little brain grasps and absorbs things.
I definitely don't give this little human being enough credit.

**PS-yes, I know I promised SD post and pics. Check back in a day or two. Double promise.


Jessica said...

That's so great that she does it so willingly. Madeline still chomps down on the brush, little turd. Bring on the SD pics! Hurry, come on, right now! We've waited very patiently. It's not like you have anything else to do. :)

Denise said...

she's a smarty pants already!!!

Kristy said...

Good job Mama. Their little minds are so amazing aren't they :)