Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Hero

Anyone following the Olympics as I have been? Dara Torres is my hero.
I told Dave in a past life I was an Olympian swimmer just like her. Heck, I'll just settle for her smokin' hot body...


haylee lynn... said...

I would have to agree... you were such a fish growing up! You still are =). I remember when you graduated high school I think that whole summer you laid out by the pool and your feet got so tan!! I wish I could tan like you.

Kristy said...

I want to be her too:) Remember when we were little, I'm her, No I'm Her!!!! She is pretty amazing though! Toad's right you are a fish:)

Anonymous said...

oooh yeah me too. She is amazing.

Anonymous said...

I saw her on one of the morning shows yesterday. Her body is amazing. Makes me want to work out....sort of