Monday, February 1, 2010

Today's Marlee-ism (2)

This is how the conversation with Marlee went as we were getting ready this morning, more specifically me putting on my bra:

MK: want boobies
Me: what honey?
MK: (as she's pointing to her boobies) want to wear boobies.
Me looking perplexed and still not getting it.
So she repeats: want to wear boobies, until I realize she is wanting to wear my bra.

Definitely put a smile on my much needed face.
Couldn't she put a smile on anyone's face?

Playing outside today. Beautiful weather. One of the benefits of living in the desert in February.

PS-crappy quality photo taken with iphone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so funny!!!! I love it.