Sunday, May 31, 2009


I try to brush Marlee's teeth twice a day, after breakfast and before bed. If I shoot for twice a day, I know it will get done at least once. It's always the last thing she does (or we do) before she goes to bed.
The past few nights after milkie, I tell M it's time for night night, like I always do. And you know what she tells me? Teeth. She says teeth and points to her teeth. Telling us to brush her teeth.
Habit already formed.
Little, yet big, things like this remind me of how quickly her little brain grasps and absorbs things.
I definitely don't give this little human being enough credit.

**PS-yes, I know I promised SD post and pics. Check back in a day or two. Double promise.

Monday, May 18, 2009


was a great day.

Just want to remember.

PS-please bear with me. I will be writing about and posting way too many pics of our San Diego trip later this week...promise.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sigh of Relief

I made it through another semester...
Just a few more to go.
I. Can. Do. This.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Messy Face

Pudding...1st timer

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Round 2

Another Mother's Day, my second, has come and gone.
Today, I feel fortunate...
...fortunate to FINALLY be a Mama and celebrate this day
...fortunate to have a healthy daughter who amazes me daily
...fortunate to have a wonderful husband who would do anything for us

and last, but certainly not least
...fortunate to have the best Mom a girl could ask for. Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you.

4 generations..Mom, Grandma, Me, Marlee Kay. Oct 08

**I so milked this day for all it is worth. I told my husband I wanted nothing more than a clean house and to be dotted (is that even a word) on all day. The dotting part, he went above and beyond. I barely lifted a finger all day. The clean house, well, it got about half done. And I am more than pleased! Thanks for making my day so special. Next year Marlee will have to step up.=)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back to Reality

We are home. After 5 days of pure bliss in San Diego.
Back to, school, cooking, cleaning, laundry, working know, the usual.
Many many posts and pictures to come from our first family trip.

Before I move forward I want to share something funny....
The house we rented in Pacific Beach had a black and white painting of Audrey Hepburn. Many times, M pointed to that picture and said "Momma". Well, thanks Marlee.
One night she was holding a box of Orville Redenbacher popcorn (yes, she had popcorn for the first time on vacation, and she loved it) . She pointed to the picture of Orville Redenbacher and said "Daddy".
I couldn't stop laughing. Dave, not too much.
So, I'm the beautiful Audrey Hepburn and Dave is the old Orville Redenbacher.
Kids, I tell ya.