Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 Years

At 36 months, Marlee Kay
-39.5" tall
-32 pounds
-has huge head (can't remember stats but she was 95%+)
-4t shirt
-3t (or even 2t) bottoms
-8-9 shoe size

-she calls every meal lunch
-when daddy and i are talking, she tells us no, don't have a conversation.
-is so very scared of loud noises. the vacuum, blowdryer, blender, loud anything.
-says what's this all about and you know who gave you that. two things i always say to her.
-looks at herself in the mirror and says i look beautiful.
-says momma i want to scream really loud. and i either say yes or no. if i say yes, she screams. really loud.
-has begun the i do it phase.
-started saying hold me instead of hold you.
-calls the a/c the heater. and it has to be running during nap and bedtime. if it's not on she requests it be turned on.
-when i tell her to do something she doesn't want to do, she responds with i too busy. wonder where she got this one from.
-likes to hold my hand "for a minute" when i lay her down for bed.

In her words:
how old are you? 6.
what is your favorite color? green.
favorite animal? doggie.
favorite cartoon? george.
what do you like to eat for lunch? quesadilla.
favorite drink? somethin' else.
what do you like to do for fun? i like birthday cake. i wanna do toys.
what do you like to wear? minnie jacket.
where do you like to go? old navy. (which she has been a total of two times).

**Post written in July. Yes, my daughter just turned 3.5.
***Photos courtesy Kristy Milton Photography.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Blue Eyed Girl

Our conversation while I rocked Marlee, just before bed:

Marlee: (looking up at me) Momma have green eyes.
Me: Yes, I have green eyes.
Marlee: (frowning) I don't have green eyes.
Me: No, you have the prettiest blue eyes.
Marlee: I want to get green eyes at the store after tomorrow.


**This conversation took place on 06/30/10 (picture also from June). Another one I wrote and never posted.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Marlee Kay - #3

My Sweet Girl,
It's been three years since the first time we met. How is that even possible? For your birthday your Daddy and I decided it was time to convert your crib into a big girl bed. When I went in your room and saw it, I cried. Your Daddy came in and said to me that we have to let you grow up, and he's right, but does it have to be going by so fast? Some days seem endless, but the weeks, months, and years are fleeting.
So many things are already a distance memory. Like your Daddy and I trying for so many years to have you, and thinking that maybe it just wasn't in the cards for us; never knowing if I would hear someone call me Momma; being pregnant and so scared; feeling you inside me; your smooshed up little face and big feet when you entered into this big unknown world; your new baby smell, how I wish I could have bottled it; your Daddy being so protective of you when you were first born, even with me; you sleeping next to me all swaddled up; your gummy smile; learning to sit up, crawl, stand, walk, and then run on your own; the babbles turning into real words and conversations. And soon, right now - this moment, will be just that, a distant memory.
Make no mistake, my Marlee Kay, things have not always been easy with you; and I know this is just the beginning. You are so determined, precise, demanding, and temper mental. More days than not you test my patience, and there are nights when I look down at you and tell you tomorrow Momma will be more patient. Momma will not raise her voice to get you to listen, as I seem to be doing that more and more lately. Momma won't be too busy to get down on the floor and play with you, even if it is at 8pm and I am Momma'd out. The good news is you don't seem to hold a grudge. You love me. No matter what, it seems. <3
Yes, I do have to let you grow up. And everyday I am going to try to remember how lucky I am. You have made my world that much brighter, my beautiful girl, and I love you. No matter what.
Your Momma

Friday, July 23, 2010

I Lobe You

Tonight as I was rocking Marlee before bed, I started eating her up, as I would say (really just kissing her over and over). And out of nowhere she says Momma I lobe you.
Yes, she repeats it back to me most times when I tell her I love her, but this is the first time she has just said it. To me. Or anyone. Just because.
Made the week I had much much brighter. My little 3 year old knows exactly what I need.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


-MK and I took our weekly trip to the library. An hour after our usual story time, which is okay with me since with summer break brings entirely too many kids. And too much chaos.
-Met Daddy for lunch at Red Robin, MK's favorite. She had her .75 cents in tow, as always, hoping this will be the time she gets the happy face ball. No luck. It was the dolphin ball. Again. But she seemed pleased. She was definitely pleased to order the macaroni and cheese, which was almost always a no no at restaurants due to her egg allergy. Well, that pesky egg allergy is a thing of the past. More on this later.
-Came home. MK napped while I worked.
-MK woke up and went swimming with Daddy. I wouldn't believe it if I saw it. She is actually swimming. Since Sunday (6/27). With a life vest on, of course. She goes back and forth across our 50 foot pool and she loves it. As long as dunking is not involved.
-I ran to LensCrafters to drop off my one month (new) glasses to have my second pair of ($400.00) lenses fitted into my frames due to LensCrafters damaging my old (new) lenses while adjusting my glasses. Yes, free of charge. Still annoying.
-Ran to yet another Target looking for my size in the cutest tankini. No luck. We leave for California soon (yippee) and I am in desperate need of a more modest swim suit. I don't want to scare my fellow beach goers and all. I will not give up.
-Had Stacey and Haylee over for dinner. Steak, lobster, and asparagus. No, we don't eat like this often. Yes, it was good.
-Cleaned up the house and got MK ready for bed.
-After reading stories (Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Snake Cake - both library books), singing our nightly songs (Itsy Bitsy Spider, Popcorn Song, ABC's and Count to 20), and rocking (yes I still rock my almost 3 year old baby before bed every night) MK says Momma let's talk? What did you do today? Something I have said to her night after night for as long as I can remember.
-So, we went through our day. As we so often do.
-And I thought I would share.
-Now off to pour me a bowl of honeycombs and turn on the boob tube.

Monday, June 21, 2010


-she tells me momma be happy if I get after her for something.
-or she gets the saddest expression on her face, lip puckered, and says momma yelled at you.
-we were holding hands walking into her swim lesson on monday (5/24) and she said what a beautiful day. made me smile. something i always say to her.
-about swim, it was short lived due to the fact that she cried the entire 30 minutes. all but 1 time. after about 6 classes daddy gave up and has been working with her in our pool, which she doesn't cry in. go figure.
-her grandma viola and pappa harland have been visiting from florida. they drove. which is pretty amazing considering dave's dad's age (89 in july) and health. marlee instantly fell in love with her grandma and cried when she left. and pappa was ok, too.
-she is a little copycat. mimics daddy and me constantly.
-she loves to play games on my iphone. one of her favorites is a cupcake app. after she makes the cupcake, adds the icing and toppings, and adds and lights the candles she sings happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday marlee kay (or momma kay). happy birthday to you. she then blows out the candles and says yay! every time.
-she is asking for a big girl bed, to ride on a bus, and to go to school. none will be happening anytime soon if i can help it.
-okay, maybe the big girl bed.=)
-she had her first happy meal (05/29). mcdonald's. and it just happened to be shrek themed. bonus.
-she started dance (ballet and tap) last week. her first class that is not parent and me. she will not go in alone and makes me stand at the back of the room. this is no surprise.
-she is completely potty trained. she now wakes up from nap dry and is dry about half the time when she wakes in the morning.
-we're planning a trip to Disneyland this summer for her 3rd birthday.
-we went and saw shrek ever after at the movies on memorial day. the second movie we have taken marlee to. she loved it and did great. what a difference 6 months makes.

As for the rest of the family...
-dave is beyond busy. starting his days at 2:30am and pretty much not stopping until 8-9pm, when he crashes. and he never complains. ever. He defines ambition and makes the rest of us look inadequate.
-as for me, i too am busier than ever. taking care of MK, the house, working, working, working, and gearing up for the fall semester. it.never.ends.
-cooper has been having some problems lately. after a vet trip and x-rays we learned he has spinal disc problems, hip dysplasia, and arthritis in his hips. they have him on meds, which will hopefully help the disc problem. as for the hips, his doctor doesn't seem too concerned. we put him on dietary supplements and we'll see how it goes. time will tell. lazy little bugger.
-as for mollie, she had surgery on her mouth a couple of months ago due to gingivitis and periodontal disease. after pulling 11 teeth and a good dental cleaning, she is good as new.
-yes, the dogs are going to bankrupt me.

-and yes, the majority of this post was written on 5/25. i suck.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Tale of Turtle

Marlee has been going pee pee on the toilet since January. Going number 2, well that's a different story entirely. Without going into too much detail, it's been much more difficult. I have been telling her for months if she goes number 2 (we say poopoo, of course) on the toetoe I will take her to Target and let her pick out anything she wants.
On June 3rd she went number 2 on the toilet!
And keeping with my promise, Friday morning we took a special trip to target. I let her out of the cart and told her to go up and down the aisles and look for any special toy she wanted. After deliberation between a 4 pack of Cars matchbox cars and a Nemo turtle, the turtle won.
Yes, out of everything, my daughter picked a $12.00 swimming turtle. This just so happens to be the same turtle she had seen at Target a couple of months ago and wanted. When I asked her what she wanted to name turtle she said fourfivesixseveneightnineten.

And I'm happy to report we are on day 4 of 4!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Things She Says

That make me smile...
-okay Momma.
-ne-night Momma - last thing i hear as i close her door at night.
-peeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee. so exaggerated.
-swing so high. out in, out in.
-hold you.
-too heavy.
-careful blue doggie (when using scissors - long story).
-big girl panties.
-momma i coming (when she wants out of her crib because this is what i have always said to her when i would hear her calling for me).
-i need to get situated.
-rock you.
-i got a weggie.
-got a lot of crap.
-i happy.
-pooey stinty.

and if you know my daughter, you know it's not always what she says, it's the way she says it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

No Thank You

A typical conversation with Marlee Kay over the last few days:

Dave: Marlee, let's get on your jammies.
MK: No thank you.

Me: Marlee, can I have a kiss?
MK: No thank you.
Me: (smile)

Me: Marlee, it's nap time.
MK: No thank you.

Do you think she's getting the whole manners thing?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Looking through old photos tonight...

and this one made my heart smile.

(ps-taken by lesley)